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CBD And Homeostasis


Numerous studies, journal articles, and media reports suggest that CBD and the endocannabinoid system play key roles in promoting homeostasis- but what exactly is homeostasis, and what does the endocannabinoid system have to do with it?


Homeostasis is a term used to describe the process of maintaining internal balance in an ever-changing external environment. In humans, homeostasis refers to a plethora of individual yet interdependent processes that ultimately keep our bodies functioning properly.

The conditions within our bodies can fluctuate in response to a variety of external factors. Think about how things like temperature, stress, or even the food you eat can temporarily affect how your body works.

The heat on a particularly hot day, for example, might cause your blood pressure to drop and leave you feeling light-headed, fatigued, or nauseous. On the other hand, the stress of preparing for a work presentation or studying for an exam might cause your blood pressure to rise, leaving you feeling anxious or dealing with headaches and other physical symptoms.

These are just some examples of how the internal conditions of your body can fluctuate in response to the ever-changing conditions of the external environment. Luckily, your body has inbuilt response mechanisms to deal with these changes and get back to functioning properly as quickly as possible.

These different mechanisms all play important roles in helping our body achieve and maintain homeostasis. And while the individual homeostatic processes in your body vary, they are all made up of 3 essential components:

– Receptors responsible for sensing external changes.
– A Control Center that decides on how to respond to these changes.
– Effectors which carry out the relevant response.

To better understand how our body responds to external changes, let’s think about how it regulates our internal body temperature.

In this example, the control center is the hypothalamus, a part of the brain which helps our bodies detect changes in temperature and respond to them accordingly to maintain an optimal internal temperature.

In some ways, the hypothalamus works like a thermostat. Using receptors found both on the skin and internal structures within the body, the hypothalamus is able to sense any changes in temperature and respond to them accordingly. When temperatures rise, our body starts to promote heat loss in order to keep its internal temperature at around 37°C (98.6°F). When temperatures drop, on the other hand, our body reduces heat loss.

Thermoregulation is just 1 example of a homeostatic process that constantly takes place in our body. Body fluid composition, blood sugar, and blood pressure are some other processes involved in keeping our body operating at its best.


The endocannabinoid system (or ECS) is a complex physiological system present in all mammals. Recent research has highlighted the complexity of the endocannabinoid system and suggests it is involved in managing various homeostatic processes.

There is a solid body of research exploring the role of the endocannabinoid system. Up until now, studies show that it is involved in managing pain, inflammation, immune response, appetite, metabolism, memory, mood and emotion, and much more.

The endocannabinoid system is made up of 3 main components:
1. Cannabinoid receptors (such as CB1 and CB2), which are found in various sites around the brain and body, as well as in specific cells of the immune system.
2. Endocannabinoids like anandamide and 2-AG which are produced in the brain and bind to either of the 2 cannabinoid receptors.
3. Metabolic enzymes that break up endocannabinoids after they’ve been used. The two main enzymes in the endocannabinoid system ar FAAH, which breaks down anandamide, and MAGL, which breaks down 2-AG

Unlike other molecules in the body, anandamide and 2-AG are synthesized and used when they’re needed, not produced and stored to be used later.

The growing body of research on the endocannabinoid system suggests that the endocannabinoid system switches into gear when it senses certain imbalances in the body, and then switches back off once order has been restored to the system.

Below we’ll look at some specific examples of how the endocannabinoid system can help regulate various bodily processes and promote homeostasis:


By stimulating key receptors in areas like the digestive tract, the pancreas, liver, and even adipose tissue, the endocannabinoid system has been shown to directly affect a variety of metabolic processes.

Studies suggest, for example, that by stimulating receptors in the digestive tract, endocannabinoids can possibly influence digestion and nutrient uptake. Furthermore, research also shows that the endocannabinoid system can directly influence how nutrients are stored and transported around the body.

For example, research from 2016 showed that the endocannabinoid system is involved in a process known as “fat browning.” There are essentially 2 kinds of fat stores in your body; white fat, which is linked to higher risks of diabetes and heart disease, and brown fat, which can actually help burn energy and calories.

These results suggest that the endocannabinoid system may be a target for treating a variety of metabolic conditions, including obesity and diabetes. They also suggest that the ECS may help promote weight loss. Moreover, this research confirms that the endocannabinoid system has an important homeostatic role in regulating various metabolic processes.


Besides its role in regulating metabolic processes, the endocannabinoid system has also been shown to be involved in managing emotions, mood, and response to external stress.

As we mentioned earlier, cannabis receptors (especially CB1) are present all throughout the body, especially in the brain (where CB1 receptors are among the most abundant G-protein-coupled receptors). Especially high concentrations of CB1 receptors are found in key areas of the brain involved in managing stress, emotion, mood, anxiety, and our response to fear.

This includes the:
– Prefrontal cortex
– Amygdala
– Hippocampus
– Periaqueductal gray (PAG)

Animal-based studies have shown that by stimulating receptors in these various parts of the brain, the endocannabinoid system can help reduce stress, anxiety, and fear.

For example, a study from the 2008 European Journal Of Pharmacology showed that anandamide helped reduce anxiety in rats. Other studies have also shown that plant-based cannabinoids (especially THC) can actually produce anxiolytic effects.

Due to its involvement in managing fear and emotional responses, the endocannabinoid system has also become a possible target for treating patients suffering from depression, clinical anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder.


Unlike CB1 receptors, CB2 receptors are most commonly found within immune cells. By either directly or indirectly stimulating these receptors, cannabinoids are believed to play a key role in promoting immune regulation.

Research suggests that the endocannabinoid system can help regulate immune homeostasis in the gut. Conditions like Crohn’s disease, for example, are characterized by an imbalance that causes the immune system to attack healthy tissue in the digestive tract. Studies show that cannabinoids can help reduce the chronic inflammation caused by these conditions and possibly restore order to the immune system.

paper published in 2009 explored the role of endocannabinoids in regulating the immune system. Based on evidence that using cannabinoids or inhibitors of the enzymes of endocannabinoids (which essentially slow down the break down of compounds like anandamide and 2-AG) can suppress immune hyperactivity and help the body recover from immune-related injuries.


CBD is a natural compound derived from hemp. Unlike some other plant-derived cannabinoids, CBD doesn’t actually fit into any of the cannabinoid receptors in the body. However, it is still able to stimulate activity in the receptors without directly binding to them.

Instead of binding either to CB1 or CB2 receptors, CBD has 2 very unique effects on the body. First, it promotes the synthesis of 2-AG which, in turn, stimulates activity in the receptors. Secondly, studies show that CBD also inhibits the activity of FAAH, the enzyme responsible for breaking down anandamide.

CBD has been shown to bind another G-protein coupled receptor known as TRPV-1. This receptor is known to play an active role in regulating body temperature as well as pain and inflammation.

By interacting with TRPV-1 and provoking an increase in both anandamide and 2-AG, CBD indirectly promotes healthy endocannabinoid activity. And since the endocannabinoid system is directly involved in so many homeostatic processes, CBD may help give your system the boost it needs in order to continue functioning properly.

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The Purest Just Got Purer At CBDChem

Pure CBD


In a continuing endeavour to bring our customers the highest quality CBD oil, and to remain a leader in CBD products, Cibdol is upgrading production methods to exceed the top contemporary standards in the industry. Recently, we added new purification lab equipment that will heighten the efficacy of our production process. Now, we can enhance the purity of our oil even further than our current standards for excellence!

Technology has advanced significantly since Cibdol first started to distribute this incredible product. Today, production methods have been refined, and in particular, purification methods have improved remarkably. We can now make “pure even purer”, and improve overall consistency throughout our products.


Plants can be fickle and differ slightly from season to season. Normally, our oil will vary in colour from dark to light gold as idiosyncrasies in each season’s hemp crop are expressed. The new lab equipment will improve overall consistency in both taste and colour. The new colour will be significantly lighter than the current batches of oil!

At Cibdol, we’re known for being at the forefront of the CBD movement, but now we’re upping the ante by raising our own standards. With the ability to be more precise than ever in our process, we can provide our customers with full transparency and peace of mind regarding the efficacy of our methods. Normalised testing and tasting in our Swiss labs guarantees the potential of our products.


Terpenes are produced by the same glands that produce CBD and other cannabinoids. Cannabis/hemp contains many terpenes that perform functions to maintain plant health. Furthermore, the limitless combination of these volatile molecules is what gives things their recognisable aromas. The gentle floral scent and pleasant taste of our CBD oil is because of terpenes.

The entourage effect is a well-documented phenomenon. Compounds act synergistically when combined to create an effect greater than they could achieve on their own. This is especially true regarding CBD. By including a full terpene profile, we can magnify the therapeutic effect of our oils while ensuring a better tasting and smelling product.


As the improvements to our labs are implemented, oils may continue to vary in colour from dark honey to olive oil gold. This in no way impacts the quality of our oil. Brand new gear simply means we can continue to supply our discerning customers with the best possible quality that technology allows.

Oil produced after April 2018 or following batches C26, A40, and B08 will be lighter. These oils have been produced using the new lab equipment. There is no cause for alarm. The older product is still of the first order and may be consumed with the same confidence as always.

Cibdol will continue to source the finest quality organic hemp grown in Europe as feedstock for the refining process. Only raw material that passes our high metric is ever considered for use. The purification process removes chlorophyll, heavy metals, pollutants, and plant fats from the crude paste, allowing for the most unadulterated final product. The CO₂ extraction process ensures full decarboxylation and optimum levels of the purest CBD.

Our customers have only ever received the purest CBD oil available. With our recent cutting-edge upgrades, we will be able to push the envelope of what is possible with CBD products even further. The future of CBD oil is now with CBDChem.

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CO₂ Extraction: Preserving The Natural Power Of Hemp


Hemp has played an important role in human society for centuries. Today, as science further uncovers the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids and terpenes, industry leaders are constantly looking for new and improved ways to harness the power of this incredible plant.

One of the novel ways to enhance and concentrate the potential of hemp is through CO₂ extraction. In this article, we take an in-depth look at this process; what it is, and how it is forever changing the way we experience hemp products.


CO₂ extraction is a unique method of extracting the compounds of a particular substance and condensing them into a potent concentrate.

It is based on the principles of supercritical fluid extraction (or SFE). SFE uses gases like CO₂ and compresses them beyond their critical point, ultimately turning them into useful solvents for extracting plant constituents.

Supercritical fluids act like both a liquid and a gas; they can diffuse through solids like a gas, but are also able to dissolve compounds like a liquid. This makes them particularly useful for making all kinds of extracts as they’re able to penetrate a substance in a completely unique way to regular solvents like alcohol or butane, for example.

CO₂ is commonly used as a supercritical fluid because it passes its critical point at low temperatures (roughly 32°C). Working at such low temperatures allows for the preservation of terpenes and other fragile compounds, which are usually destroyed at higher temperatures. Plus, the chemical structure and shape of CO₂ molecules renders them particularly useful as a solvent.

CO₂ can be used to extract the key compounds from a wide variety of substances, including:

Fruit and nuts
Fragrances and perfumes
Tobacco (for the production of e-cigarettes)
Hops (to create hop oil for beer making)
Spices (such as black pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, and more)
Cannabis and hemp (to create extracts or concentrates)


Extracts and concentrates are often coined “the future” of the cannabis industry, offering users a pure way to enjoy the therapeutic potential of the plant and its many different compounds.

For a long time, butane, propane, and alcohol were the main solvents used to extract components from cannabis and hemp plants. Now, CO₂ has rightfully earned its place as a much more efficient and sophisticated solvent. CO₂ is regarded as one of the purest, most efficient, and most versatile forms for extracting the components from hemp and cannabis.


CO₂ extraction methods vary among manufacturers. Many laboratories have their own unique processes, relying on proprietary technologies to facilitate the extraction.

Nonetheless, the basic principles behind CO₂ extraction remain the same. First of all, cannabis plant material is gathered in a sealed product vessel. Supercritical CO₂ is then introduced into that vessel under very specific temperature and pressure settings. This allows the CO₂ to extract the cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds from the plant material.

The extract-rich CO₂ is then passed through to another vessel. Here, different temperature and pressure settings are employed to separate compounds within the extract, ultimately altering its form.

This is where the power of CO₂ extraction really comes to light. With traditional solvent methods using butane, propane, or alcohol, labs have so far only been able to extract a bundle of compounds from the cannabis plant. Plus, the heat applied with these extraction methods usually destroys many of the subtle compounds found in the plant, such as terpenes.

With CO₂ extraction, technicians essentially have much more control over the entire extraction process, allowing for specific constituents within the plant to be isolated. This process is known as fractionating. Fractionating can also be used to extract compounds like CBDA and THCA, which are notoriously hard to extract due to their fragility.

After the extraction is complete, a drop in pressure allows for the CO₂ to evaporate, leaving behind a rich extract. The exact composition of this extract varies depending on the fractionating processes used by the manufacturer. Most notably, CO₂ extracts have higher concentrations of terpenes (up to 10%) compared to regular butane extracts, for example (between 0.5% and 3.5%).


At CBDChem, we use state-of-the-art CO₂ extraction to create all of our products, including our CBD oils, supplements, and creams.

We start our process with top-shelf raw materials. We only work with high-grade hemp grown in Europe to the highest agricultural standards. Then, we move on to the extraction process, which is conducted using world-class technology in our professional laboratories in Switzerland.

Using our own approach to CO₂ extraction, we have complete control over the entire extraction process. With unique temperature and pressure settings, we’re able to isolate exactly the compounds we’re looking for.

Our extraction processes creates a crude CBD paste which we then purify and enrich with extra terpenes and high-grade olive oil. The end result is a powerful concentrate that is unmatched in purity and quality.

At CBDChem, we pride ourselves on setting the gold-standard for CBD products. Using our own proprietary filtration process, we’re able to produce a clear, gold-coloured extract that is free of byproducts such as waxes, fats, and chlorophyll.

At the same time, our delicate extraction process allows us to preserve a high concentration of CBD and aromatic terpenes. This gives our CBD oil a well-balanced, holistic effect that preserves the therapeutic qualities of whole-plant cannabis and the “entourage effect.”


Cannabis and hemp plants were supposedly first domesticated as a crop in China over 6,000 years ago. Ever since, they have played an important role in many cultures, both for industrial and medical purposes.

At CBDChem, we maintain the idea that cannabinoids and terpenes are vital to our overall well-being. By using unmatched CO₂ extraction, we are able to produce top-shelf CBD oils and products that preserve the enormous therapeutic benefits of the cannabis plant.

To learn more about the potential of CBD and other cannabinoids, follow our blog. For more information about our products, browse our webshop today.

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Hemp Seed Oil For The Authentic Experience

Hemp Seed Oil

We strive to continuously innovate and cater to the best customer experience possible. For us, this means continuously maintaining the highest standards of quality in our products, as well as attentively listening to our customer base.

For this reason, we are happy to announce that very soon we will introduce CBD hemp seed oils, alongside our current lines of CBD oils.

Is one better than the other? No. They essentially work in the same way as a carrier oil to contain CBD, terpenes, and flavonoids. So regarding therapeutic value, they can be considered equal.

On the other hand, there are other qualities that surely many will appreciate. CBD hemp oil will provide a more authentic experience as only the cannabis plant is used for the entire production process.

The taste is distinguishable, and as a dietary supplement, it does bring some interesting extra benefits to the table.

If you are particularly fond of the natural scents and tastes of a blooming cannabis plant, we invite you to try our new line and enjoy the full spectrum experience.


The new line of CBD hemp oils does not come in the same variations as the CBD oil line. They are not meant to compete with each other, rather complement the range of offers. In this way, we now have a smoother curve in CBD concentration products, permitting you to fine-tune your wellness and therapeutic progress.

We will have

• 5% CBD available in 10, 30, and 50ml
• 20% CBD available in 10, and 30ml


Both olive oil and hemp seed oil have been extensively used throughout the ages, both for medicinal purposes as well as food. They are both amongst the healthiest and most nutritionally packed man-made natural products.

Hemp seed oil, thanks to the various fatty acids and omegas in the right proportion, has been shown to reduce inflammation, boost the immune system, prevent heart disease, as well as reducing side effects.

It is known to women who suffer from PMS or going through menopause that supplementing their diet with GLA helps considerably in relieving the symptoms.

This is because GLA is a precursor to the prostaglandins lipid, which behaves much like a hormone in regulating several bodily functions.

Quality hemp seed oil will contain in itself a fair amount of CBD, which is responsible for boosting the overall healing potential of CBD oils.


Hemp seed oil, in particular, boasts a great balance of omega acids (GLA), more specifically omega 3 & 6, antioxidants, phytosterols, phospholipids, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and potassium with traces of iron, magnesium, zinc and copper.

Other seed oils will also contain some or even all of these elements, but peaking in one group while disfavouring another. In this sense, it seems hemp seed oil to be a perfect match to be consumed by humans, as it offers a richer dietary balance that suits us perfectly.

Omega 6 and 3 are present in a perfect 3:1 ration, highly regarded in medicine as support for the cardiovascular system. They play an important role overall in our bodies, but they also seem to be implicated in preventing numerous degenerative diseases.

The fatty acids contained in hemp seed oil are also responsible for boosting the immune system, as well as providing support for healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Moreover, other fatty acids besides the omegas like docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are phenomenal brain foods, especially the developing brain. DHA is equally crucial to the development of the eye, which is why it is highly recommended the supplementation of hemp seed oil during pregnancy.

We are not claiming that the hemp seed oil used as a carrier in our CBD hemp oil will be ingested in enough quantities to produce these benefits. In fact, much of what has been said applies to other oil like olive oil, flaxseed/linseed oil, argan oil, avocado oil, to name but a few.

All of them will be highly beneficial as a dietary supplement. It is just that, for some reason, hemp seed oil seems to be fine-tuned to work better in humans.

This is exactly why we are very pleased to offer this new range of CBD-infused oils. You will be receiving a product made exclusively from the cannabis plant, for a more authentic and nutritionally superior experience.

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The Facts And The Myths Of CBD

CBD Products UK

It is an unquestionable fact, that CBD is making waves within the medical establishment. For far too many years the demonization of cannabis prohibited the vast majority of laboratories and research centers around the world to objectively conduct studies into the potential of cannabis’ active ingredients for medicinal use.

Thankfully that has changed, as the FDA has recently approved CBD oils to be used in medical trials. As the amount of evidence keeps piling, so is the amount of misconceptions regarding CBD products. The inherited and ingrained social phobia towards cannabis is slowly fading away, as year after year authorities all over the world recognize how faintly problematic cannabis is, compared to many (if not most) other over-the-counter drugs and alcohol.

While still technically illegal in many jurisdictions, one must ask, if this compound is so great, why is it illegal?

The reason is simple. When the old and severely outdated cannabis prohibition laws were passed, they were proposed under the notion that the plant as a whole—and its derivates—was psychoactive with a potential to be abused recreationally.

Being that CBD oils are an extraction from the cannabis plant, it automatically falls into the controlled substances list. This has also led to numerous myths regarding CBD itself as cannabis, hemp and marijuana are not all one and the same thing.

Here we will have a look at some of the most common myths and facts you need to know, to truly be informed about what is what.


CBD stands for cannabidiol, one of approximately 60 distinct active molecules found in cannabis. The human body has a system of neuro-receptors called the endocannabinoid system, where CBD seems to interact by modulating and regulating activities surrounding the CB1 and CB2 receptors.

Cannabinoid receptors can be found all over our body, from head to toes. CBD, directly and indirectly, regulates certain neurotransmitter reuptake, ion channels, and even non-cannabinoid receptors.


CBD is non-psychoactive. The FDA, despite only recently permitting clinical trials, still classifies CBD oils as a food supplement. In fact, anecdotal evidence suggests, that CBD is antipsychotic and anxiolytic and a general stress-reliever.

Recreational consumers of marijuana tend to prefer low quantities of CBD exactly because it tends to smoothen out the high considerably.


Plain and simple, the confusion revolves around the taxonomic nomenclature given to the plant itself. Even botanists and ethnobotanists have yet to reach a consensus around this classification. And then there is slang.

To (try to) keep it simple, Cannabis is the actual scientific name of the genus, which has three distinct species – Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.

Marijuana and weed are slang for the types of cannabis that have a high amount of THC and are preferred for their euphoric and psychoactive qualities. They are usually bred with this in mind, and therefore CBD is usually present in very low quantities.

Industrial hemp is the name given to a variety of cannabis, that is selected for its quality to produce fibers, seeds, and hemp oil. Typically, cannabis is considered hemp, when it has under 0.3% THC content. This type of cannabis usually has much higher CBD count in it.

In very recent years, in great part due to the rise in CBD popularity, breeders have been creating specific strains for CBD production. While hemp does the job just fine, a recreational variety can produce much bigger female flowers. By selectively breeding THC out of certain strains and increasing CBD, these new strains can produce a far higher amount of raw material with the same footprint. In essence, it is hemp, that is not so great for fibers, but yields vastly superior quantities of CBD by weight—without THC.


As a health supplement, producers of CBD are not allowed to recommend the use of more than 160mg of CBD per day to users. This is to ensure it is used in a supplementary fashion. Only doctors are able to recommend higher doses, accompanied by a prescription for CBD. As such, it is worth seeking the advice of a medical professional if you want to use CBD in more than a dietary supplement capacity.


Nothing could be further from the truth. To start off with, to make CBD oils you need the highest grade raw material—female cannabis flower, or buds—but in enormous quantities. This poses a problem, as more often than not, supply does not meet demand.

Underground and unregulated production methods of growing are plagued with very strong petrochemical fertilizers, flower boosting additives, and pesticides. The result is far from a natural product, that will end up contaminating the resulting oil. Therefore, only genuinely organic and naturally grown cannabis should be used.

Secondly, the extraction method employed. There are several methods, but since CBD oils are to enter the human body, it is wise to understand that the majority of these methods will use toxic solvents, that are very difficult to purge.

CO₂ extraction is completely clean and environmentally friendly and guaranteed to leave no residues behind. The cost of equipment is prohibitory in most cases, and you will need a highly qualified operator to run such a system correctly.

Some producers prefer quantity, while others focus on quality.

CBD can also be obtained in its pure crystalline form. In theory, it is pure and unadulterated. But it is known, that cannabinoids operate at maximum efficiency as a team. This is called the entourage effect. The therapeutic value of an oil is on the whole, not the sum of its parts. Most other extraction methods will destroy terpenes and flavonoids.

While CBD is the main constituent, terpenes and flavonoids also play a big role in the overall therapeutic experience of CBD oils—certainly not only for its tastes and smells.


For a long time, research with cannabis was done either in secrecy, funded by the US government with a clear propaganda agenda, or a few odd pioneers, that for some reason managed to pass through the red tape.

Examples like Dr. Raphael Mechoulam in Israel, Dr. Manuel Gúzman in Spain, and even activist group NORML in the US—to name but a few—paved the way for serious analytical research.

For decades research was denied to the majority of clinicians. Only in recent years, due to unprecedented social unrest and legislative reforms, is it possible to propose to academics and research centers the possibility to do so without the fear of reprisal by ethics committees and even law enforcement.

The amount of published papers concerning CBD research is unprecedented, and there is no question a very big investment in this field is being made.

Just recently, both the World Health Organization and the World Anti-Doping Agency for the Olympic Committee reviewed their stance on CBD claiming it to be completely safe, and even recommending legislators around the world to review their stance on this highly promising molecule.

Credit Cibdol

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What Are Terpenes And Why Are They Important?

CBD Chemist Shop 7

When it comes to both hemp and its illicit cousin cannabis, it is often cannabinoids that are talked about. When it is hemp, CBD is the name of the game, whereas when cannabis is the topic of conversation, THC tends to be the focus. However, there is a lot more going on in these plants, with an additional family of compounds offering a whole range of effects of their own. These are known as terpenes, and today we are going to take a closer look at them and their role.


If you have ever been in the presence of either cannabis or hemp, you have been taken aback by their pretty distinctive smells. We have terpenes to thank for that. They are a group of volatile unsaturated hydrocarbons found in the essential oils of many plants – especially hemp, conifers and citrus trees. There are a lot of different terpenes out there, and each has its own smell and effect. It is why certain plants smell different – they have different terpenes in differing ratios.

Smell is not all these compounds affect, though. Each interacts with the body in a different way, usually imparting some kind of benefit. Most of the time, this can go unnoticed, or is simply part of the benefits of a healthy diet. However, the effects can become much more pronounced when acting in conjunction with something like CBD. This is known as the entourage effect. It is also worth noting terpenes are non-psychoactive, they don’t get you “high.”


Hemp is thought to contain roughly 120 terpenes, making investigating all the effects, and how they interact with each other, pretty tough. It has less so than cannabis, hence it having a less distinct smell. However, the terpenes hemp does have been found to work upon CB2 receptors within the body – the same receptors CBD interacts with. The result is an enhanced and modified effect. This is why we leave our Cibdol CBD Oil as unadulterated as possible so that it maintains this natural terpene content.


Here are some of the major Terpenes:


As the name hints at, pinene creates a fresh pine-like fragrance.


Myrcene is a terpene found in such plants as hops, thyme, bay leaves, and even mango fruits. It has quite a unique property in that it helps facilitate compound in crossing the blood-brain barrier, increasing the saturation level of CB1 receptors.


Limonene is actually one of the two compounds that form pinene! It is present in hundreds of plants – particularly citrus ones. It assists in the absorption of other terpenes and also has anti-fungal properties.


Caryophyllene is common in a range of spicy plants, such as cloves, cinnamon leaves and black pepper. As you can probably imagine, it has a very aromatic, spicy and woody quality to it. It has been found to bind to CB2 receptors, working in conjunction with CBD.


Found in sage and rosemary, terpinolene is often used in soap and perfume for its fragrant properties.

As you can see, terpenes have a large role to play in the future of CBD. Research has only just started out, and we are only scratching the surface – who knows how else they can be harnessed?


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The benefits of proper CBD packaging

CBD Products

Packaging is important for nearly every product. When it comes to CBD products, however, it is even more critical. CBD and the other constituents of hemp (such as terpenes) are extremely fragile compounds. Hence, they need to be packaged and stored in a way that preserves their purity and potency for as long as possible.

Let us explore the packaging behind our products and how it helps us retain the integrity of the hemp plant. Plus, we’ll share some tips to help you store your CBD properly at home.


All our CBD oils and supplements are packaged in high-quality glass bottles and sealed with dropper lids. Our CBD creams, on the other hand, are packaged in white plastic containers with screw lids. Each of our products is then wrapped in a cardboard box.


We use cardboard packaging to wrap all of products for one main reason; to protect the CBD in our creams, oils, and supplements.

We take extra care to ensure all of our products contain the highest concentrations of CBD, terpenes, and other constituents of the hemp plant. Unfortunately, many of these compounds are quite vulnerable, meaning a little extra care is needed to preserve their quality.

This is why we use cardboard packaging. The cardboard helps protect our products against direct sunlight and heat, two factors that can damage compounds like CBD and terpenes.

By packing our products in cardboard, you can rest assured that all of our oils and creams are of the highest quality when they arrive at your door. To further help preserve our products, we recommend storing them in a cool, dark, and dry place (oils and supplements can be stored in the fridge).

Our cardboard packaging also contains extra information about the product they contain, and are made from recycled and renewable materials.


Our CBD oils come packaged in airtight glass bottles. We do this for a number of reasons. These containers are completely airtight, even after they’ve been opened.

First of all, the airtight nature of the containers helps protect the products once they’ve been opened. Air exposure, much like light and heat, can damage CBD, terpenes, and other hemp constituents. Make sure you close the lid on each of our products securely after every use to keep them at optimal quality.

Secondly, we use glass packaging because it is perfectly suited to CBD products. Poor-quality plastic containers can leak toxic chemicals into liquids and foods. Glass, on the other hand, is nonporous and impermeable; glass packaging has an almost 0% chance of chemically interacting with its contents.

Finally, we use glass over other popular packaging materials (like plastic) because it is more environmentally-friendly. Glass is 100% recyclable and up to 80% of recovered glass is reused to make other glass products. In fact, glass can be recycled and back on the shelves in as few as 30 days.


We’ve done our bit to guarantee our products are packaged in a way that preserves their quality. Now, it’s time to do yours. Here are some simple tips for properly storing your CBD products at home:

• Oils and supplements: Ensure the dropper is applied securely to the bottle after every use. Store in the fridge, ideally in its original cardboard packaging. Do not expose to open air or direct light for extended periods. Also keep away from heat.

• Creams: Store in the fridge or in a cool, dark place.

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Cannabidiol: Which Characteristics Should Every CBD Oil Have?


Shopping for CBD oil can be a challenge. Since there are so many products available in today’s cannabidiol market, it’s important to know what characteristics to look out for, especially if you want the highest quality oil that money can buy. Just because companies label their products as “safe” and “all-natural” doesn’t mean that’s what you’re going to get. How the oil is made and what ingredients are contained within is how you know for sure that you’re getting a product that will actually benefit you, not harm you. This article will inform you of precisely what attributes every CBD oil should have, so that you can soon begin enjoying all the incredible benefits that this groundbreaking cannabinoid has to offer.


Terpenes are hydrocarbons released by the same glands (trichomes) as THC and CBD. Although they don’t produce any psychoactive effects, they do boost the therapeutic potential of CBD oil. Terpenes are also responsible for giving the oil its pungent aroma and satisfying taste. In addition to fighting off unwanted pests during the flowering period, while at the same time attracting pollinators, the combination of piney, earthy, and lemony flavours of terpenes provide the consumer with a delightful CBD experience.


One thing you don’t want when it comes to CBD oil is a product loaded with synthetic chemicals; these toxic additives prevent the cannabinoids from doing their job. If you want the cleanest oil possible, you’re going to want a product that’s made using CO₂ extractions. The difference between CO₂ and butane extractions, for example, is that butane extracts aren’t designed for human consumption. Not to mention, they give off quite an unpleasant taste and can leave toxic residue behind. With CO₂ extracts, the flavour will be a lot purer and more comfortable to ingest compared to other solvents.


CBD oil may seem all the same. But in reality, not all products are created equal. Decarboxylation is the process of removing the carboxyl group by applying heat to hemp flowers over an extended period of time. As a result, the inactive compound CBDA is activated and then able to provide a broad range of potential benefits. When CBD oil is not decarboxylated, the product is often cheaper, and at the same time, less efficient. While it may seem like an attractive option when you’re on a tight budget, you actually just wind up wasting your money when you decide to go with a cheaper product rather than one that is a bit more expensive. Nine times out of ten, it’s the higher-priced product that’s going to provide peak levels of CBD.


Everyone wants to get their hands on CBD oil. Because it’s in such high demand, companies often try to speed up the production process with high-yield extractions. During this process, manufacturers will use synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, and herbicides. Although they all encourage growth, they also eliminate the therapeutic effects. These methods also destroy several of the present terpenes and flavonoids, which can result in unexpected outcomes after consumption. Choosing a product that consists of a rich phytocomplex of ingredients is paramount when selecting the safest, cleanest, and most effective products.


Companies can promise quality CBD oil all day long. But if it hasn’t undergone the proper testing, there’s no way for the consumer to know if what they’re ingesting is actually safe or not. Always be on the lookout for test reports. Both on-site and third party tests are crucial to ensuring quality. Manufacturers that take the time to confirm the materials they’re using are free of bacteria, harmful contaminants, and artificial additives are more likely to provide you with accurate information on their bottles, and a better product to boot.


CBD crystals, in particular, contain near-pure concentrations of CBD. However, they lack the therapeutic qualities that draw people to CBD oil in the first place. These supplements don’t offer any of the other terpenes and cannabinoids that make CBD oils broadly effective. Whole plant oils, on the other hand, retain the entire cannabinoid and terpene spectrum of the cannabis plant (except for psychoactive THC), allowing all the naturally-occurring compounds to work together in synergy. This theory is known as the “entourage effect”, which argues that a diverse internal plant environment is key to the efficacy of CBD and other hemp-derived products.

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Choosing The Right CBD Oil: Things To Keep In Mind

Cibdol CBD Oil with 3 Bottles

Cannabidiol is renowned for its many benefits and CBD oil is quickly gaining popularity as a supplement. But with so many different CBD oils out there, it can be hard for customers to decide on the right oil based on their needs.

At CBDChem, we currently offer 3 strengths of Cibdol CBD oil; 2.5%, 4%, and 10%. In this article, we examine some of the factors that should influence your decision on what strength to buy. Remember to keep these things in mind when purchasing your next batch of Cibdol CBD.


Here is a list of questions you should ask yourself to help you choose the right oil:

• Have you ever used CBD before? What strength oil have you used prior?

• Why are you using CBD? What benefits are you looking for?

• How often do you administer CBD during the day?

• How many drops of CBD oil do you normally take?

• How do you administer your CBD (under the tongue, in food, in lotion, etc)?


Our mild CBD oil contains 2.5% CBD and is a great option for customers who are new to CBD. As an entry point to the world of cannabidiol, this oil is designed to contain enough hemp cannabinoids and terpenes to deliver all the benefits of CBD in small, easy to manage doses.

Like all of our CBD products, this mild oil is made using top-shelf European hemp and has been carefully filtered to contain no plant matter, extract residues, or harmful additives. Given its mild concentration, this oil is perfect for new users looking to acquaint themselves with the dietary benefits of CBD.

It’s important to note that oils with lower CBD concentrations are not of lower quality. All of our products contain the same high-grade CBD extract. Instead, less potent products are simply made to provide our customers with a bit of variety when it comes to administering and dosing.

Our mild oil is currently available in 3 sizes: 10ml, 30ml, and 50ml.


Our mid-strength CBD oil contains 4% CBD. Offering a stronger dose than our mild oil, this is ideal for users who are already familiar with CBD and its effects, and are looking to increase their doses. However, it still isn’t as strong as our most potent oil, which we explore in more detail below.

Using high-grade hemp extract prepared in our world-class Swiss laboratories, this golden oil is perfect for people looking for slightly stronger doses of CBD. It is especially well-suited for users who might have fewer opportunities to administer the oil during the day and hence, need stronger doses for continued relief.

Our mid-strength oil contains exactly the same extract as the other products listed in this article. However, with this oil, we’ve upped the concentration of CBD slightly to suit users who prefer slightly stronger effects. We recommend our mid-strength oil for those already familiar with the effects of CBD who want to up their dosage for more benefits.

Our mid-strength oil is currently available in 3 sizes: 10ml, 30ml, and 50ml.


At Cibdol, we currently produce one high-potency CBD oil. This oil contains 10% CBD, and is one of the strongest CBD oils currently available on the European market. Like our other oils, this product has been specially designed to preserve the cannabinoids and terpenes of our hemp extract in higher concentrations.

Unlike the other products on this list, we recommend this oil for customers who are actively taking CBD and looking for larger doses. Again, being a higher-potency oil, this product is perfect for those who are already familiar with CBD and want increase their daily intake.

This oil undergoes a special steam-distillation process designed to preserve more of the fragile terpenes found in hemp extract. Like all our other products, the oil is then tested in our laboratories and by third party testing facilities to ensure its strength and purity meet our strict standards.

Given the strength of this oil, we currently offer it in 2 sizes; 10ml and 30ml.


At Cibdol, we also stock softgel CBD capsules. These are a great alternative to oils as they are completely tasteless (CBD oil is known to be bitter). They can easily be taken like any other capsule, making dosage simple and discreet.


Now that you’re familiar with the differences between mild, mid, and strong CBD oils, here are some tips to help ensure you get the most out of all of our products:


Whenever using CBD, make sure to only choose high-quality products made from organic hemp. All our products are made using biological, organically grown hemp that’s free of pesticides and any other harmful products. This guarantees the quality and purity of all our oils no matter the potency.


All CBD oils contain some kind of oil to help deliver and store the CBD extract. At Cibdol, we choose to use only the finest grade olive oil because it has a wide variety of health benefits and is already well-accepted as a nutritional supplement. Olive oil also has a great shelf life and has a very low allergy risk.


As with everything, you get what you pay for when it comes to CBD. Hence, we always recommend our customers choose high-quality oils from trusted manufacturers rather than simply going for the cheapest option available.

Remember, all our CBD products are made from pure European hemp. They are completely non-psychoactive and non-toxic, meaning they are safe to use all throughout the day. For more information about the benefits of CBD, make sure to regularly check out our blog.

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Why Cibdol Is Used Under The Tongue

CBD Intake

One of the ways of taking Cibdol CBD Oil is to hold it under the tongue for a minute or so, before swallowing. But why do we recommend doing this? It is a question we get asked often, so we thought we would put together an article explaining why we take certain concoctions like this, and what its advantage is.


Although many may not think it, the membrane of the mouth, especially under the tongue, allows compounds to be absorbed directly into the body. By holding the CBD oil under the tongue, it gives the CBD within the oil time to transfer through this membrane into the bloodstream. There are quite a lot of capillaries under the tongue, making it an ideal and direct location for medicating. This is the reason why many liquid medications are also taken under the tongue, as it gives them direct access to the bloodstream.


When it comes to CBD oil, there are a couple of advantages of holding it under the tongue for as long as possible. The first is that it gets it into your body quicker. As mentioned, when taken under the tongue, the CBD is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, allowing it to instantly work its way around the body. If you ingest CBD, it must first make its way through the digestion system. This means it must contend with the acid and bile of the stomach, the lengthy journey through the intestines, and processing in the liver before it eventually ends up in the blood ready to go where it needs.

This brings us to the second advantage of dosing Cibdol CBD Oil under the tongue: it is much more potent than simply ingesting it. If you only swallow the oil without holding it under the tongue, some of the CBD content is broken down by the acid in the stomach, reducing the amount that eventually makes its way to the liver. By holding it under the tongue, it is possible to maximise the amount of CBD absorbed.

So, as you can see, there is good reason to hold that CBD oil under your tongue! You can find out the many others ways Cibdol CBD oil can be taken here, helping you decide what is best for you.

Credit Cibdol