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Will Using CBD Lead To A Positive Drug Test?


More and more people are turning to CBD, or cannabidiol, for its incredible medicinal relief properties. The science has never been more clear and the public knows it. As interest in CBD increases, some have voiced concern that it may trigger a positive drug screen. Whether for work or other reasons, drug screening has become part of life for some. Patients turning to CBD are not seeking the euphoric effects of marijuana, they seek relief. CBD does not trigger the intoxicating effects of THC, the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis. Should those subject to a drug screen worry if they consume CBD?


There are currently over 120 known cannabinoids found in marijuana, with CBD and THC being the two primary compounds. THC is largely responsible for the psychoactive effect, while CBD is the cannabinoid most responsible for the relief properties we’ve seen cannabis hailed for in recent years. Different strains tend to be defined by their varying levels of CBD and THC. Indicas usually contain higher levels of the non-psychoactive compound making for a more body-centric buzz. Sativas are usually lower in CBD and result in a more euphoric, cerebral high. The distinct differences between the compounds determine their use.

With more and more patients seeking out CBD, who are not looking to get high, the question of drug testing has been popping up. People are turning away from prescription pharmaceuticals in vast numbers. CBD is a safe and effective product made by nature, not by a bunch of geeks in lab coats. CBD has been tested in treating a number of ailments including inflammation, nausea, neurological disorders including epilepsy, cancer and even psychological disorders like anxiety. There is much promise for a variety of treatments using CBD and the demand for it is sure to grow.


Drug testing is a decades-old relic of the war against drugs, sometimes used for probation or parole and sometimes for pre-employment screening. Either way, they are a reality that some just can’t get around. But should those who have to take drug tests worry if they consume CBD for medicinal relief? The answer really depends on what kind of test is being performed and what kind of consumption habits the testee has demonstrated. If the subject has consumed only CBD products from a reputable source that are guaranteed to contain no THC, then you are likely to pass. If you are consuming impure CBD products or especially large quantities of CBD oil, then an initial urine screen or instant test may show positive. Fortunately science has other ways to determine whether or not the subject has consumed cannabis.


After an initial positive test, the sample should be sent for a confirmatory test using a process called gas chromatograph mass spectrometry, or GC/MS for short. Once a sample makes its way into this process, the analysis will have no problem discerning THC from CBD. The biggest problem with using CBD products when you have to take a drug test, is that you can never be sure of what you are getting unless you trust the source. The reality is, if you try to make your own 100% pure CBD oil at home, you are likely to fail. The CBD extraction process is not something that can be cooked up in a kitchen. So the short of it is, if you want to ensure you are consuming pure untainted CBD, you have to get it from a reliable source. The testing itself isn’t the problem, it’s the source of the CBD that will most likely be a cause for concern.


So if you are looking for a CBD oil that is guaranteed to contain no THC, the current leader in the market is Cibdol. Cibdol CBD oil is the purest CBD oil available. If you have to take a drug test but you are worried about lower grade CBD oil contaminated with trace amounts of THC, Cibdol may be the solution you are looking for. Cibdol CBD oil is made from hemp and extracted under strict laboratory conditions, which should help take the guesswork out of sifting through CBD products. With Cibdol CBD oil, its purity ensures a clean drug test every time.

Credit Cibdol

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The History Of CBD (Cannabidiol)

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Cannabinoids are compounds found within the cannabis plant. They have received a lot of attention since the rise of medical marijuana and the proliferation of legalization campaigns around the world, especially in the United States.

One of the most heavily-discussed cannabinoids found in marijuana is CBD. This non-psychoactive compound has taken the world by storm as the subject of new studies looking to further explore and validate the potential of cannabis as medicine.

In this article, we take a closer look at CBD; what it is, it’s history, and how it became one of the most notable compounds within the cannabis plant.


To better understand the importance of CBD, it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of the history of the cannabis plant.

Cannabis, or Cannabis sativa, is a genus of flowering plant that grows natively in many parts of the world, especially in tropical and humid areas, as well as mountainous regions. It is an extremely versatile plant which, despite being illegal throughout most of the world today, has served as an important crop throughout human history.

The earliest mentions of cannabis or hemp’s usage dates back to roughly 2300 BCE in a classic Chinese book known as the Shu King. The Chinese used cannabis to produce strong, tough fibre used to manufacture clothing and rope. They also used it as a medicine to treat a variety of conditions ranging from rheumatism to menstrual cramps.

Fragments of hemp fibre have also been found in ancient Chinese burial chambers dating back to roughly 1000 BCE. Other archaeological evidence suggests that the cultivation and use of cannabis in China dates back to 10,000 BCE, making it clear that cannabis/hemp have long been important industrial crops, despite their recent prohibition.

But the use of cannabis wasn’t unique to China. The plant has also been cultivated in India for thousands of years, where it played a particularly important role in various spiritual practices and ceremonies.

For example, cannabis is believed to be the main ingredient in soma, a traditional Vedic drink used during religious ceremonies. Hindus also often consume bhang, another type of cannabis-infused beverage, during annual festivals and celebrations.

The use of charas (commonly referred to as “finger hash”) also plays an integral role in Hindu spiritual ceremonies. The Shaiva, for example, commonly consume charas during their spiritual rituals. Many religious branches within the Indian sub-continent respect cannabis’ psychoactive effects as an important tool for meditation and other practices.

But the industrial, spiritual, and medicinal uses of cannabis don’t end there. The plant disseminated around the world and was eventually cultivated and used openly in Europe. As European nations began colonising “The New World,” cannabis accompanied them and was eventually introduced to the Americas.

In fact, even in the US, cannabis was openly prescribed as a medicine up until the 20th century, where it was often consumed in the form of tinctures. Cannabis has also been grown in other regions of the Americas, from Brazil and Chile to Paraguay, which today is one of the biggest producers of cannabis in South America and the world.


Classifying the cannabis plant is a lot more difficult than it seems. There are currently 3 known naturally-occurring variations of cannabis: sativa, indica, and ruderalis.

There is some debate on whether these varieties should be treated as 3 separate species, or 3 varieties of the same species. For the purpose of this article, we’ll treat indica, sativa, and ruderalis as 3 subspecies of the Cannabis sativa genus.

The easiest way to tell these subspecies apart is by their morphology. Sativa plants can grow extremely tall, easily reaching heights over 2m. They are usually loosely branched and have narrow, light green leaves.

Indica plants, on the other hand, grow short and bushy, often reaching maximum heights of about 1-1.3m. They are densely branched and usually have wide, dark green leaves.

Ruderalis plants, on the other hand, grow much smaller than both sativa and indica plants, rarely reaching heights over 60-70cm. They usually have small, thin stems, and large leaves. Most importantly, ruderalis plants flower based on age, rather than light exposure.

It is important to realise that all cannabis plants contain cannabinoids, albeit in different concentrations.

Indica and sativa plants typically contain high concentrations of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a psychoactive compound known to produce the distinct “high” associated with cannabis. Ruderalis plants, on the other hand, typically have higher concentrations of CBD (cannabidiol). However, this has changed dramatically since breeders began manipulating genetics.

Cannabis breeders regularly cross different varieties to create new “strains” with distinct properties. Today, most commercially available strains are some kind of hybrid between sativa, indica, and ruderalis. Thanks to new breeding techniques, it is now also possible to find indica/sativa varieties with high CBD levels, as well as ruderalis plants with high concentrations of THC.


Cannabinoids have received a lot of attention lately, mainly because of their incredible medical potential. Although THC was of predominant interest in recent decades, CBD is now receiving the majority of attention as a medical substance.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in the cannabis plant, comprising roughly 40% of the plant’s extract. It is non-psychoactive, meaning it doesn’t produce the kind of “high” users experience from THC.

CBD was first described in 1940 by Raphael Mechoulam, organic chemist and professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Mechoulam was motivated by a search to find out what components gave cannabis its unique effects, seeing that the chemistry of other drugs (like cocaine and opium) was already well understood at the time.

“I found it very surprising: while morphine had been isolated from opium and cocaine from the coca leaf, no one had studied the chemistry of the marijuana plant. It was very odd,” said Mechoulam in an interview.

Since the 1940s, our knowledge of cannabis has improved greatly, largely thanks to research conducted by Mechoulam, among others.

Today, we know that when cannabinoids like THC and CBD enter our body, they interact with our endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system mainly consists of 2 receptors (known as CB1 and CB2), although new research suggests it may involve other receptor cells as well.

The ECS is now known to be involved in a wide variety of bodily processes, and has been shown to aid in the regulation of appetite, mood, memory, as well as the sensation/management of pain.

The system is usually stimulated by endocannabinoids like anandamide or 2-AG, which are naturally produced by the body. However, when plant-based cannabinoids like CBD are present, they also interact with this system by binding to either CB1 and/or CB2 receptors and producing a variety of effects.



Credit Cibdol

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Why CBDchem was formed?


So, we were made aware of CBD and its potential benefits almost 6 years ago. A gentleman we won’t name directly, but is now one of the leading figures in the industry asked us for an opinion on the science and research around CBD. At that time information was more limited than it is today. Although we saw the possible benefits, as professionals we didn’t quite fancy being associated with cannabis or related products, for obvious reasons.

Times have changed, there is a growing body of evidence, research and testimonials from various sources across the globe. However, there is also still much confusion.

What is it? Is it legal? Where do I get it from? What is the source? Is this a white labelled product? How can I be sure of the quality? What can it help?

Amongst many of the questions posed to us by many people we might have recommended to try CBD, for various conditions.

We decided to form CBDchem to help distribute and disseminate the available research, literature, and we found the best product we could on the market. We are very happy to be able to offer our expertise and Cibdol products to you, here in the UK.

Our commitment:

  • Quality as every batch is quality controlled.
  • Consistency as all our products have guaranteed CBD content.
  • Evidence based research as we are constantly reviewing the research and evidence.
  • Sharing the available evidence as we will disseminate through various communication channels the latest news around CBD for public information and advice
  • Future development by liasing with the authorities, government departments to help support, promote and distribute CBD for potential uses in the future.

So have confidence, make fully informed decisions, live well.

All the best

CBDChem Team

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New CBD creams from Cibdol

CBD Creams Online

New CBD creams from Cibdol are packed with the high-quality CBD our customers have come to expect. All four of our new salves: Aczedol, Hydradol, Soridol and Zemadol are optimised with the structural power of liposomes – small, sac-like vesicles made up of one or more lipid bilayers.

Liposomes deliver active ingredient CBD past the intestinal membrane into the tissues and cells that need it, without interference. This allows for a more thorough course of skin nourishment. CBD is appearing in more supplements and creams on the world market, but many are inefficient. Cibdol CBD is fully extracted from organic hemp to support healthy skin from seed to salve.

Aczedol soothes the symptoms of acne. This herbal formula provides relief for acne sufferers, without the harsh chemicals found in other acne creams.

Hydradol is used to care for normal to dry skin on the face and body. Hydradol helps to give skin the structural support it needs to keep hydrated and sustain a healthy environment.

Soridol combats the different triggers associated with psoriasis. This cream encourages healthy cell communication with ingredients CBD, Vitamin A and more.

Zemadol cream is formulated with ingredients including GLA essential fatty acids to promote normal cell growth to nourish skin.

Credit Cibdol

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CBD And The Endocannabinoid System

Heal the Brain with CBD

The human body is an extremely complex machine; we still have not figured it out completely. One system within ourselves that has been getting a lot of attention recently is the endocannabinoid system, and how CBD interacts with it.

When it comes to bodily functions, people generally think that neurotransmitters within the brain, and the central nervous system, hold a monopoly over them. However research have begun to uncover an additional system that plays a major role regulating these bodily processes. This system is the endocannabinoid system. Today, we are going to take a brief look at what it is, and how CBD interacts with it.


The endocannabinoid system is a network of receptors that reach throughout the body, pretty much everywhere the central nervous system does. As the name suggests, the endocannabinoid system is what the many cannabinoids found within cannabis interact with. Additionally, and rather interestingly, apart from the natural equivalents the body produces itself, there are no known other natural sources of cannabinoids other than cannabis. It is thought that the endocannabinoid system has a far reaching and widespread role within the body, with research suggesting that it is also involved in the regulation of many bodily functions.


The endocannabinoid system is made up of a network two primary receptor types. These are CB1 and CB2 receptors. Unlike THC, which can bind to CB1 receptors, CBD can bind to neither perfectly. The result is stimulated activity without actual binding taking place.

This means that any cell containing a CB1 or CB2 receptor is changed by the interaction with CBD, and since these receptors are found in pretty much every part of the body, including the brain, the effects of the change are system wide. It is this method of interaction that is largely to thank for the effects people feel when they take a CBD supplement.


In addition to its work with the endocannabinoid system. CBD is also known to interact with other receptors within the body. For example, it is thought to activate serotonin receptors, as well as G-protein receptors that are associated with temperature control and perceived pain.

Research also continues to find new and interesting ways CBD works within the body, uncovering its secrets. We are only just scratching the surface of this supplement. Who knows what the future of CBD related research could hold!

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What Is The Difference Between CBD And THC?

CBD Chemist Shop 3

CBD stands for Cannabidiol and THC stands for tetrahydrocannabidiol. They are both key ingredients in marijuana plants. Cannabinoids are a unique class of compounds and both CBD and THC belong to this class. High THC strains are common when it comes to marijuana but strains with high CBD are rare. The following are a few key differences found between CBD and THC.


Cannabis has more than 60 cannabinoids and CBD [1] is one of them. It is usually marketed in chewable, cream and liquid forms on its own. It interacts with the receptor cells and boosts the response of the nervous system in the human body. Human body has two cannabinoid receptors – CB-1 and CB-2. It is also a natural suppressant.


THC [2] is not only one of the 60 cannabinoids but it is also the major psychoactive ingredient found in cannabis. THC happens to be the most researched and popularly recognized compounds of cannabis. It interlocks with the nerve cell receptors but the reaction is quite different from that of drugs like morphine and heroin. Dopamine is released as a result of THC’s interaction with the brain. The effects of THC last for 2 hours. The effects start within 10 – 30 minutes of ingestion.


Marijuana’s most psychoactive ingredient is probably THC but CBD, on the other hand, is completely non-psychoactive. This is why THC gives users a high while CBD does not. This is why recreational users never prefer CBD but its non-psychoactive properties have made it a good candidate for medical research.


Paranoia and anxiety are some side-effects of using THC which many users have experienced. On the other hand, CBD has fared better in this area. A scientific paper [3] studied the psychotomimetic effects of both CBD and THC in 134 users and CBD showed no results related to causing paranoia and anxiety.


THC has effects similar to psychosis. On the other hand, CBD is non-psychoactive and also helps to counteract the psychoactive effects of THC. A research paper [4] showed that CBD had properties to reduce the high of users because of its antipsychotic capability. CBD as one of the active compounds in various pharmaceutical medicines and medical research. One of the researches is by GW Pharmaceuticals which was reported by The Guardian [5] a couple of weeks ago.


One of the primary reasons why many people use marijuana is for its ability to aid in sleep. This property of marijuana manifests due to the presence of THC. CBD, on the other hand, leads to wakefulness and is not ideal for promoting sleep. Strains with high THC often make the user feel sleepy and drowsy as compared to strains with low THC or high CBD.


The legal status of marijuana is pretty black and white – it is illegal in most countries. CBD falls under Schedule I drugs in the U.K. and is thus, illegal, technically speaking. However, CBD Oil which consists of 4% CBD and less than 0.05% THC is easily sold and bought in a lot of countries, including U.S and the U.K. Thus, derivatives of CBD and THC are easily bought and sold all over the world without any restrictions.

Recently, a lot of research has gone into the benefits of CBD over THC and this is main reason why high CBD cannabis plants are being created by growers. These plants have low THC levels. CBD oil natural supplements are also pretty popular with users.


4. psychosis-schizophrenia-gw-pharmaceuticals-david-potter

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What is CBD Oil?

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CBD Oil is a well-known natural occurring cannabis cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are soluble in organic solvents but insoluble in water; under room temperatures, the colorless compound takes the shape of a crystalline solid. According to research, CBD is one of the more than 60 cannabinoids that are extracted from cannabis. Processed CBD Oil is available in many forms, including liquid, cream and chewable forms. Cannabinoid compounds are classified according to the degree of psychoactivity. Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most recognized cannabis compound and the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. Unlike THC, CBD is a non-psychoactive drug, which makes it a poor choice for use as a recreational compound. In terms of production, the industrial hemp has a higher content of CBD, but lower levels of THC. Marijuana, on the other hand, has a lower level of CBD and a higher level of THC. However, using proven and advanced scientific techniques, cannabis breeders have managed to create a number of cannabis plants with high levels of CBD and almost no THC.


CBD is known to interact with cannabinoid receptors cells found on the cell surfaces, to activate and boost the body’s nervous system’s response. The two cannabinoid receptors found in the body are CB-1 and CB-2. CBD Oil, on the other hand, has been shown to work symmetrically with the naturally produced CBD component to improve the various body functions. For example, CBD can negate the negative effects brought about by THC, since it is an effective natural suppressant to high levels of marijuana. Market demands as well as the psychoactive effects are the major factors driving the breeding of the various forms of cannabis. The fact that all strains of cannabis have some trace of CBD means that all strains of cannabis have potential medicinal value. CBD appears in marijuana strains in varying proportions; ranging from a weak 0.6% composition to a high of 1% or more. In proportion, CBD Oil contains 4 times higher CBD than marijuana. Even though the overall CBD composition may seem small, this is all that is required for CBD to produce the desired effect.